Perineal physiotherapy treats pathologies related to the abdominal-petular sphere, i.e.:
The bladder
- Urinary incontinence
- Dysuria
- urinary retention
- hypocontractility sphincteriènnne
- hypotonia sphincteriènnne
- hypertonia sphincteriènne
- hypertonia and perinal hypotonia
- stage 1 trigonocele I-II
- junction ptose
- uretro-vesical I-II
- vesico-sphincterial dyssynergie
- reeducation pre-postoperative prostatectomy
The uterus
- hypertonia and perinal hypotonia
- uterine malposition
- pre and post natal
- pre-operative after total or subtotal hysterectomy
The rectum
- hypertonia and perinal hypotonia
- ano-rectal incontinence
- rectalgias
- terminal constipations
- Dyskinesia
- dyschedis
- abdomino-petulard dyssynergie
- postoperative after colostomy
- crack
- Hemorrhoids
- Vaginismus
- dyspareuni
- pubalgias
- post-natal reeducation
The tecnics used are manual and instrumental
- approved electro-stimulator
- biofeedback
- pelvimetre
- manometrie
- balonnet